What country is the most accessible in the EU?
EU member states have made a joint decision to apply WCAG. But how is the work progressing?
Funka has, on behalf of Handisam, a forerunner to the Swedish Agency for Participation, and the Funka Foundation, executed an audit of government- and parliamentary websites in EU member states. Is Sweden top of the class? Are there differences between old and new member states?
Funding: The Funka Foundation and Handisam
Consortium: Funka, the Funka Foundation
Period: 2007
The EU report: ”How accessible are EU member states?” (in Swedish, pdf 194 kb), opens in new window
Results of audit of EU member states websites (in Swedish, Excel 1,11 MB), opens in new window
The result is also published at the Funka portal (in Swedish), opens in new window