Terms and conditions for the purchase of courses

Funka Academy's terms and conditions apply to the purchase of courses, course packages and programmes.

1. Company information

Funka Academy AB (Funka), company registration number 556809-2513 with registered office in Stockholm, Sweden, is the provider of courses, course packages and programmes offered via the website www.funka.com.

2. Fees

Fees are stated in Swedish kronor (SEK) or euro (EUR). Funka reserves the right to change course fees at any time. If Funka chooses to change course fees, Funka shall notify you as soon as possible and in a reasonable time.

3. Delivery

3.1. Live teacher-led courses

Teacher-led courses are conducted live, either online or onsite on physical premises, or synchronously online and onsite.

The course web page for a course specifies the delivery mode and the planned date and delivery time of the course or workshop. Funka reserves the right to alter the delivery mode, date and time of a specific course. Funka reserves the right to cancel a course, for example, due to the course not attracting enough participants. If Funka chooses to alter the delivery of or cancel a course, Funka shall notify you as soon as possible and in reasonable time. If a course is cancelled by Funka, 100 % of the course fee will be refunded.

3.2. On-demand courses

On-demand courses offered by Funka are online and self-guided with pre-recorded content.

An on-demand course will be deemed delivered when the course is made available to you online upon purchase. The course web page for a course specifies the period of access to the on-demand course. The delivery of the course will be deemed completed when the period of access ends.

Funka reserves the right to cancel a course. If an on-demand course is cancelled by Funka prior to its commencement, 100 % of the course fee will be refunded.

3.3. Courses combining on-demand and live elements  

A course combining on-demand and live elements will be deemed delivered when the on-demand element of the course is made available to you online upon purchase. The course web page for a course specifies the period of access to the on-demand course. The delivery of the course will be deemed completed when the period of access to the on-demand element of the course ends.

4. Cancellation

Courses involving live delivery only (3.1. above) can be cancelled by sending an e-mail to academy@funka.com.

  • If the cancellation occurs 30 days or more before the start of the course, 100 % of the course fee will be refunded.
  • If the cancellation occurs 15-29 days before the start of the course, 50 % of the course fee will be refunded.
  • If the cancellation occurs 14 days or less before the start of the course, 0 % of the course fee will be refunded.

Cancellation of a course involving on-demand elements (3.2. or 3.3. above) where access to the course is given upon registration do not entitle buyers to neither a full nor a partial refund.  

5. Payment of course fees

Funka requires full payment of the course fee before the start of a live course (3.1. above).

Funka requires full payment of the course fee in connection with the start of a course with an on-demand element (3.2. and 3.3. above).

6. Personal data and GDPR

We process personal data in accordance with the GDPR. In connection with your purchase, you agree that we store and handle your personal information. We store the information to fulfil the agreement with you and to be able to conduct our business. According to the GDPR, you have the right to access the information we have registered about you. If the information we store about you is irrelevant, incorrect, or incomplete, you can request that the information be corrected, limited, or deleted, which we do to the extent possible under applicable law (such as the Accounting Act). Read more in our privacy policy.

We are responsible for personal data for the data collected and have entered into personal data assistant agreements with our subcontractors.