Creating accessible documents - course package

Accessible documents improve the user experience for all users. With this package, you will get a holistic view of what you need to produce accessible documents. Get started right away - access our on-demand courses today. Add live sessions with the Funka team of experts, for in-depth training and practice.

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Date Day Course Time
2/24/2025 Monday Introduction to accessibility 13:00-17:00
3/11/2025 Tuesday Introduction to creating accessible documents 13:00-17:00
3/27/2025 Thursday Making MS Word and PDF documents accessible 13:00-17:00
4/3/2025 Thursday Making MS Excel and PDF documents accessible 13:00-17:00
4/9/2025 Wednesday Universal Design 13:00-17:00
4/10/2025 Thursday Making MS PowerPoint and PDF documents accessible 13:00-17:00
4/17/2025 Thursday Making InDesign and PDF documents accessible 13:00-17:00
4/24/2025 Thursday Making PDF documents accessible in Acrobat Pro 13:00-17:00