Market analysis

This activity was performed to make sure the project covers the most used and diverse authoring tools in public sector in EU. There are cultural and historical differences between member states, regions and types of agencies around what kind of authoring tools is being mostly used.

Some prefer licensed products, other open-source, in some regions large ICT suppliers provide their own authoring tools, whereas in other regions there is a clear divide between the producer of an authoring tool and the partners or suppliers of website development. Moreover, in some markets there are basic templates for government websites, in others, every government website is made from scratch.

The methodology and result of the market analysis are presented here.


Methodology for market analysis, pdf (630 kb), opens in a new window

The most used authoring tool in the public sector in EU, pdf (3,45 Mb), opens in a new window

Selection of authoring tools for the project, pdf (534 kb), opens in new window

Market analysis
Column Description
Id_country ISO 3166 code for the country
Country Country Name
URI URL after redirection (in case server returns a 30x http code)
DOMAIN Domain extracted to avoid duplicates in public body list
APIWAP Wappalyzer result. This is a JSON document containing all the technologies detected, also the name and version of the CMS and the level of confidence, if detected
CMS1 CMS name recognised by the Wappalyzer tool
CMS2 CMS name recognised by the BuidWith tool

The most probable CMS according to CMS1 and CMS2. The algorithm is as follows:

  • If CMS1 is detected, CMS_CANDIDATE = CMS1
  • If CMS1 is empty and CMS2 excists, CMS_CANDIDATE = CMS2
  • Otherwise, CMS_CANDIDATE = ”” (empty)
CMS_NORMALISED Names of the detected CMS normalised. This normaliztion is needed for a subsequent aggregation by name. It implies matching all the variations of nomenclature, mapping them in a common capitalized term (i.e., ”Joomla” and ”Joomla!” Are normalized as ”JOOMLA”)

The main dataset with the data collected for the study is published here as open science 3,22 Mb, excel, opens in new window