European research project on Down syndrome

Together with the Norwegian research organisation Karde as Project Manager and financed by the European Commission Seventh Framework Programme, Funka participates in a research project on how people with Down syndrome can be better integrated in society. Stefan Johansson from Funka is one of the experts in the research team.

The background is that many persons with Down syndrome feel themselves poorly integrated into society. New research shows that the use of the right technology and pedagogical instruments can make a big difference. The project POSEIDON, which stands for PersOnalized Smart Environments to increase Inclusion of people with DOwn's SyNdrome, will create a technical infrastructure to foster services for the target group. We hope that this will increase the possibilities for people with Down syndrome to study, work and participate in society on equal terms.

User organizations is represented in the project team as well as in the steering group and we want the project to be user centrally designed from the start. Thus we ensure that the final result match the needs and can be used in real life.


Funded by: European Commission Seventh Framework Programme
Consortium: Karde AS (Norway), Arbeitskreis Down-Syndrom (Germany), Berliner Institut für Sozialforschung, (Germany), Down's Syndrome Association (England), Fraunhofer (Germany), Funka (Sweden), Middlesex University (England), Norsk Nettverk for Down Syndrom (Norway), Tellu AS (Norway)
Period: november 2013 to october 2016