On going user testing in our innovation project on data collection

The exciting innovation project on accessible data collection run by Funka, the user organisation of persons with reading and writing disabilities in Sweden and the Royal Technical University in Stockholm, has entered an intense phase: user testing.

- We can see very clearly in the user testing just how important it is to be able to make individual settings to cover the different needs of the users, says Jonas Rosén, project leader at Funka.

The project, financed by Vinnova and the aim of which is to create a tool to increase participation in data collection, raises great interest among both users and potential customers.

- A large part of our members have troubles reading and writing, says Kerstin Ivarson Ahlstrand, appointed head of secretariat at the user organisation of persons with reading and writing disabilities.

If you have these difficulties a regular written questionnaire is very hard to carry out. Many chose not to respond to them at all, which means the possibility of receiving information from this group decreases significantly. This tool therefore is a very promising initiative to increase participation when using questionnaires.

The dialog carried out with the users has made it possible to refine the prototypes composing the foundation for the development work carried out by Funka. By the end of the year a first version of the data collection tool will be ready for evaluation.

Inclusive tool for data collection


Johan Kling

Title: Chief Operating Officer, Chief of Quality and Accessibility Expert

johan.kling@funka.com (Johan Kling)

+46 8 555 770 62 (Johan Kling)