University training in web accessibility
In a project funded by Nordplus, Funka will cooperate with IAAP Nordic and four leading Nordic universities, to ensure that web accessibility training becomes a natural part of university programs in IT, design, communication and other relevant areas.
With the Web Accessibility Directive, hundreds of thousands of public sector websites must meet minimum requirements on accessibility. In order to meet the high demand we anticipate, many more experts will be needed. Nevertheless, there are only a few education programs that include web accessibility. Therefore, there is a high risk that most students will lack the key skills required when they get into working life. IAAP Nordic aims to change that.
The purpose of the project is to build a network of universities and other educational institutions in the Nordic region to exchange experiences and learn from each other. The overall goal is to get web accessibility on the schedule in all relevant higher education.
The project will map which universities and colleges are working on the subject today and based on current circumstances, make recommendations for future opportunities to raise the quality of and access to courses with accessibility focus.
During the project, workshops will be held in Norway, Sweden and Finland, where all stakeholders are welcome. The first workshop will be held in Oslo on 21st November at Oslo Met.
The project will end with a conference in May 2020, where insights, recommendations and good examples will be presented to the public.
On the international level, IAAP offers a series of webinars on accessibility in Higher Education.
IAAP Higher Education Accessibility Webinar Series, opens in a new window
Funding: Nordplus Horizontal
Consortium: IAAP Nordic (Project Coordinator), OsloMet - Metropolitan University, Certec. Department of Design Sciences at Lund University, Laurea University of Applied Sciences and Department of Management Engineering at the Technical University of Denmark and Funka.
Period: August 2018 - July 2020
Budget: 49 600 EUR