Web Accessibility Directive – your right to accessible content

Funka is celebrating the EU Diversity Month and Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) 2022.

Did you know that:

  • The Web Accessibility Directive covers all public sector websites and apps in the EU.
  • Each website and app in scope of the directive must provide a Feedback mechanism.
  • You have the right to send constructive feedback when you find something inaccessible.

Try it – together we can make digital society more inclusive!

But I am not sure what is included in the law?

Well, if you have problems accessing content that you need from a public sector website, it doesn’t really matter – because you are entitled to get the information or service you need. So provide your feedback and rest assured that the website owner will learn something from it!

Some examples of issues that are included in the Directive:

  • Pre-recorded videos must have captions.
  • Good enough contrast between text and background is required.
  • Navigation should be logical.
  • Documents on public sector websites must be accessible.
  • Colour must be used together with something else to convey meaning.
  • The website should be possible to use and navigate using the keyboard.
  • Links should be easy to find and understand.
  • Design must support users by showing what is clickable.
  • Items on websites must survive significant magnification.
  • Forms and tables must contain labels and instructions.
  • And much more ...!
Constructive feedback is more successful.

Therefore, we suggest that you are polite and to the point.

Checklist for providing feedback:

  • Describe your issue.
  • Provide links or screenshots.
  • If you know what device, browser or assistive technology you are using, that is of great help.

Share your thoughts!

We would love to hear your experience around providing feedback. Please do reach out to us.

E-mail: research@funka.com 

Also, do check out one of our research projects, aiming to support users to provide feedback on acccessibility issues:

Users Power the Web Accessibility Directive