Measuring Progress of e-Accessibility in Europe

Funka has been assigned to collect data and act as technical expert in the field of digital information accessibility in Sweden during 2010 and 2011, in a project funded by the European Commission.

The survey will show how the work on e-inclusion is progressing in EU member states. The project builds on earlier results from a project started in 2005 called the Measuring Progress of e-Accessibility in Europe, MeAC. The current survey is called the SMART 2008-0066 Monitoring eAccessibility in Europe, and Funka’s partner in Spain, Technosite, leads the project at the European level.


Funding: The Eueopean Commission
Consortium: Technosite, NOVA, CNIPA
Period: 2010-11 

As soon as this year’s survey is completed we will present it at our website. Previous surveys can be accessed at different websites:

EC information, opens in new window

The website of the project, opens in new window

The blog of previous projects, opens in new window