RSCN Involvement in EC projects : kick-off for the Mobile Health Hub

The mHealth Hub project has been approved by the European Commission, with the involvement of the Reference Site Collaborative Network, alongside the Andalusia region, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Agency for Technologies (ITU) in setting up an international Hub for digital health.

The objectives of the EU mHealth Hub project are:

  • Collect and share national experiences of working with mHealth on a large scale in a variety of areas and types of interventions;
  • Help EU Member States to introduce mHealth programs and build relationships with regional and global counterparts.

The organizations involved aim to promote the development of national mHealth interventions in the EU Member States, to promote the adoption of new digital health solutions. The Hub represents a centralized information and innovation center for mobile Health and will function as a unified platform for existing national programs, providing a "general framework" that will allow identifying good practices and related standardized guidelines.

Our role in the project will be to collect good practices at the national level and encourage their adoption, as well as promote the contents of the project activities in the local-regional and national contexts.

The introductory video to the project activity is available at the link, opens in new window