Pre Commercial Procurement (PCP) in Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland is promoting SBRI (Small Business Research Initiative) since 2014, helping the public sector tap into new ideas and technologies that would not be available to them through normal channels and speeds up the adoption of new technology.

In Northern Ireland digital technology is recognised as an important component in helping accelerate the transformation of health and social care services and patient experience. Since 2014 the Northern Ireland has been on a fresh approach to innovation and problem solving using the Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI). Key to this work has been collaboration across government and with industry and academic partners.

SBRI is a pre-commercial procurement tool which focuses on the procurement of innovation. It enables technology businesses to apply to competitions to create solutions through accelerated technology development to meet specific public sector challenges.

SBRI helps the public sector tap into new ideas and technologies that would not be available to them through normal channels and speeds up the adoption of new technology. New ideas can be explored as the risk is managed through a phased development programme running a portfolio of the most promising projects.  The benefits are felt on both sides. Finding a solution to a particular challenge leads to public sector gains, with improvements in efficiency and effectiveness. The successful business partners get finance to develop their innovative ideas.


Most SBRI competitions have two phases:

Phase 1 aims to demonstrate the technical feasibility of the proposed solution

Phase 2 aims to develop and evaluate prototypes or demonstration units from the more promising technologies in Phase 1.  Only those projects that have completed Phase 1 successfully are eligible for Phase 2

A key success factor in the process in Northern Ireland is that projects are required to work in conjunction with Health and Social Care organisation from an early stage in their development, so that the solution is co-designed. This ensures engagement with front line, leading practitioners within the topic areas addressed and can facilitate clinical buy-in and co-design.


HOME (Home Medication Management for the Elderly to Support Domiciliary Care Service) is focused on developing a solution that will help users, care workers and health professionals to manage complex medications at a time of growing demand from an ageing population. 

  • PillPacPlus are currently testing a system to support the safe and effective, timely administration of medicines to patients at home. It aims to support the care worker and patient, prompting when medicines are due and providing real-time data analysis tools for reporting, supervisory escalation, and governance. 

  • Connected Care Solutions have developed ‘Ethel’, an elderly care smart hub. Ethel, is an elderly-friendly, ‘always-on’, large touchscreen smart hub designed specifically for those who have never used a computer / tablet/ Smartphone before. It can be used by professional healthcare providers and other organisations to deploy virtual home care through video calling, medication and treatment management. 

FAST (Automated Staff Deployment of pharmacy staff in a hospital setting) is focused on developing innovative digital technology solutions to enable the appropriate deployment of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians within secondary care, ensuring that the requisite number of staff with the requisite skill sets would be available to help patients gain optimal outcomes from their medicines.

  • Analytic Engines have developed ‘Precision for Pharmacy’, a data analytics real-time reporting tool designed to increase the productivity and effectiveness of clinical pharmacy teams. The tool provides the right level of pharmacy expertise, to the right patient and at the right time. 

  • Healthcare Analytics has partnered with the Medicines Optimisation Innovation Centre (MOIC) to design, build and deliver a single analytics platform for the safe and effective deployment of healthcare resources. The service delivers effective asset management by tracking, tracing, optimising and managing all assets across a healthcare organisation including specialist staff or a wide range of physical equipment. . As each asset has a unique identifier, product traceability and recall become easier and more cost efficient. 

  • ‘MAGIC’ (Mobile Assistance for Groups & Individuals within the Community – Post stroke rehabilitation), is focused upon developing innovative and cost effective solutions which will contribute to the transformation of services for patients post stroke to improve physical function and personal independence and optimise recovery. The consortium has secured 3.62m Euros from the Horizon 2020 programme.

    By using this type of PCP process healthcare providers and SMEs were able to benefit from:

  • The development of innovative solutions for the healthcare sector in Northern Ireland
  • Sharing the risks and benefits of designing, prototyping, and testing new products and services between procurers and suppliers.
  • A focussed route to development for innovative solutions and technologies and a chance to work with a lead customer to help validate and refine their ideas.
  • Bridging the seed funding gap through 100% funded research and development contracts with no loss of equity.

In this era of rapid scientific discovery, the SBRI is helping the health service to tap into new ideas and technologies to provide solutions where none currently exist.

For more information about SBRI