NECTAR - aN Eu Curriculum for chef gasTro-engineering in primAry food caRe

Jean Bousquet, Maddalena Illario and John Farrell represented the RSCN at the kick off meeting for the NECTAR project on 9 & 10 November.

NECTAR addresses a mismatch which has been identified between the skills currently offered by cooks and chefs working in hospitals, residential care and homecare and those actually demanded by healthcare institutions, private service providers and final end users in order to play a pivotal role in Primary Food Care (PFC).

Based on a “culinary/ clinical integrated approach”, NECTAR will deliver an EU Occupational Profile for Chef Gastro Engineering and an EU Curriculum for the certification of this profile.

The RSCN will lead the Work Package on "Dissemination, Exploitation, Scaling-Up and Sustainability of the Projects Results" as well as contributing to other key areas within the project. It is our intention to use the RSCN's network of Reference Sites and the relationships with the EIP on AHA Action Groups to support our efforts on the project. As reported at the recent General Assembly we will be inviting nominations from Reference Sites and Action Groups to join a Project Advisory Group to support the RSCN project team. The development of Project Advisory Groups is a new initiative of the Executive Board which will help ensure greater engagement and participation of active and healthy ageing practitioners, policy makers, service providers, and researchers in RSCN projects and activities.